Humpback whales winter at the Pacific coast of Panama every year from about mid-July to mid-October. The whales spend all summer feeding in the cold Antarctic waters and use the wintering period in warm waters near the Panamanian coast for courtship, mating and, in the case of females, to give birth and suckle their newborn calves. During the courtship period, humpback whales, already energetic, often breach, slap the water with their tail or flippers and the males also sing their mating song. The young calves become very playful once they are about a month old, often breaching and slapping the water surface with their tail or flippers. Watching whales during this period can thus be a truly spectacular event.
Tanager Tours offers special whale watching trips led by an experienced guide, who is knowledgeable on whales and their behavior. We take small groups (max 8 persons) to watch the whales in a responsible way. We will get you as close to the whales as they allow and we will stay with them for as long as they allow us. We will always allow the whales to move away if they want to.
Whale watching trips are offered from 1 August until 30 Sept. We leave from Hotel Heliconia B&B at 7:45 am for the harbor and will be on our way around 8:00 am, traveling along the south coast of Cebaco looking for whales. We have a picnic lunch on Isla Caleta or Playita beach, depending on the sea conditions. We have lunch around 12:00, but this time may vary, depending on when and where we meet the whales. We return to the main land around 3:00 pm.
$ 75 per person, minimum 2 persons. Whale Watching is only available 1 Aug. to 30 Sep.